Scheduled reports

Scheduled reports

Want your Track My Ride reports sent directly to your inbox? With just a few steps, save a report to automatically send to your desired email address(es).

Schedule a report

  1. Sign in to your Track My Ride account.

  2. Go to the Reports page.

  3. Select the report type you would like to schedule. For example Journeys.

  4. Click the blue Schedule button.

  5. Input the details in the pop-up window. 
    In the example shown below, we're scheduling the Journeys report to be sent to and every day at 9:00am. The report will include the journeys that were recorded for the vehicle TMR Blue the day prior to receiving the report (yesterday) from 00:00 to 23:59.

  6. Vehicles: The vehicle/s to run the report for.

  7. Email Address: The email address to send the report to.
    Enter multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma.
  8. Period: The period to run the report for.
    If running for today, the report will only use data from midnight up until the Scheduled hour
  9. Scheduled hour: The time the report will be sent

  10. Scheduled timezone: The timezone that your chosen Scheduled hour is in.

  11. Report format: The file type for the report - Excel, CSV or PDF.

  12. Report Options: Additional options specific to each report. Only applicable for reports with options available.

  13. Click Save to schedule your report. It will be automatically emailed to your chosen email address(es) on the scheduled hour.

Manage your scheduled reports

View your scheduled reports in the Scheduled Reports tab under reports.
If you need to modify a scheduled report, you should delete the schedule and recreate it.
  1. Sign in to your Track My Ride account.

  2. Go to the Reports page.

  3. Click Load Scheduled Reports

  4. To delete a scheduled report, click the  icon on the right of the row.

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