Time in Zones

Time in Zones

See how long your vehicles/drivers have spent inside the zones you have set up on your account. The Time in Zones Report tracks when vehicles enter and exit specific geographic zones, recording details like entry/exit times, duration in the zone, and the vehicle involved. This report is useful for monitoring how long vehicles spend in defined areas.

Accessing the Report

  1. Navigate to the Reports page: From the sidebar, click on the Reports section.
  2. Select "Time in Zones": Under the Reports section, click on the Time in Zones tab to access the report interface.

Step 1: Selecting a Date Range

  1. Click the date picker: By default, the date field displays today's date. Click on the calendar icon to open the date selector.

  2. Choose your desired date range:

    • You can select predefined options like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, etc.
    • For custom date ranges, click on specific start and end dates on the calendar.

Step 2: Choosing Vehicles or Devices

  1. Open the vehicle selector: Below the date range, you can filter the report by specific vehicles or devices. Click the dropdown to select:
    • All vehicles and devices (default) or
    • Individual vehicles (e.g., Holden Astra, TMR Landcruiser).

Step 3: Running the Report

  1. Click "Run Report": After setting the date range and vehicle/device, click the green Run Report button to generate the report.

Step 1: Understanding the Data

After generating the report, you'll see a table with key information. Each row corresponds to a vehicle's interaction with a zone, displaying the following columns:

  • Name: The vehicle's name (e.g., TMR Blue, TMR Golf).
  • Rego: The registration number of the vehicle.
  • Entry Time: The exact time the vehicle entered the zone.
  • Exit Time: The exact time the vehicle exited the zone. If the vehicle is still inside, it will display as "Presently in zone."
  • Zone Name: The name of the zone the vehicle entered (e.g., Sunshine Coast, Track My Ride Heidelberg West).
  • Duration: The total time the vehicle spent within the zone.


Step 5: Exporting and Scheduling Reports

  • Export Options: After running the report, you can export it by clicking on the Export button. This allows you to download the report in formats like CSV or PDF.

  • Scheduling: To set up automated reports, click the Schedule button and configure the frequency and delivery options for future reports.
                            See Scheduled reports

Additional Options

Only want to only know about a specific set of zonez? Use the options button to specify which zones to include.

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