Want to know when your vehicles and drivers are leaving home, arriving at work, or leaving the city?
Create a zone around an area of interest to know when a vehicle or driver enters or leaves.
Need to create a tax log book for your drivers?
Create zones around your work and home so Track My Ride can automatically log journeys as private or business.
Create a Zone
- Click the Zones icon in the top right-hand corner.

- Click the + New button.
- On a mobile device, this icon appears as a pentagon.

- Start creating the zone by clicking or tapping on the map page. Each click will add a new corner to the shape.

- Once you've finished the zone, click the first point to complete the shape.

- Fill in the zone details, marking it as either Private or Business

- The zone will save as you edit it. To close, click the x.
Create an Alert for your Zone
Once you've created a zone, you can create an alert to be notified when a vehicle enters or leaves the zone.
Creating a new alert to be notified when any of your devices enter the Melbourne Museum zone
Tax Logbook
Track My Ride can automatically create your tax logbook when you create zones around your home, personal and business addresses. Once you've created a zone, mark it as Private or Business, to allow the processing script to run.
Edit a Zones details
- Click the Zones icon in the top right-hand corner.

- Clicking within the zone to edit the zone's details.
- The zone will save as you edit it. To close, click the x.
Edit a Zone's shape
- Click the Zones icon in the top right-hand corner.

- Click the Edit button.

- On a mobile device this icon appears like this.

- You can now click and drag the corners of the zone to change the zone's shape. You can also click and drag the middle of an existing line (the greyed out square) to add a new corner to the zone.
- Save your changes by clicking the Save button
on a mobile device.
Delete a Zone
- Enter the Zone mode by clicking the icon in the top right-hand corner.

- Click the Delete button
or garbage can icon
to enter the delete mode.
- Click within a zone to delete

- Save or Cancel your changes by clicking the Save or Cancel button
on mobile.
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