Want to share your vehicle/s movements while excluding activity from certain areas on the map?
Maybe you want to display where your delivery van is without showing the driver's residential address.
Exclusion zones can now be set for Sub-accounts.
Without a zone exclusion
Below is the Astra 2 vehicle stopped at the Track My Ride office in Heidelberg. From this data, any user can see the location of the office.
Adding a zone exclusion
The blue and green zone shown above is now set as a Zone exclusion with the action set to Obscure data.
The device is now set to the center location of the zone, obscuring the actual stop location.
How to
- Sign in to your Track My Ride account.
- Create a zone around the area to exclude. For further information, see Creating a zone.
- Create or edit a Sub-account. For further information, see Creating a Sub-account.
- In the editor, under Map page Exclusions, select the Exclusion Zones and Action to take
- Save the account
Exclusion actions
There are three different actions that can be taken for exclusion zones.
Obscure data
Data that falls within an exclusion zone will be set to the center of the zone.
Actual device journey Obscured data showing the unit travelling to the center of the zone
Exclude data
Data that falls within an exclusion criteria will be removed from the Map page.
Actual device journey Data from within the zone now excluded
Hide device
If a device is currently in an exclusion zone, it will be hidden from the user.
No exclusion Account set to hide device
If a device was in an exclusion zone, only data from after the exit will be returned.
Actual device journey Data from within the zone and prior to entering is removed
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