Available reports

Available reports

Track My Ride offers a variety of reports so you can easily see when your vehicles or drivers arrived at work, their top speeds, a summary of the week, and much more.
The report section of Track My Ride is available in the Fleet Metrics plan. For information on changing your account, see how-to-change-my-plan.

To see further information for each row in the report, click the  button to the left of the row.

Available reports


See the trips your vehicles and drivers have completed from A to B. 

Journeys can be flagged as business or private manually along with a note describing the purpose of the journey.

Journey Summary

Get a full overview of your drivers and vehicles.

The Journey Summary Report combines the journey data to give you the number of trips, total distances, top speeds, and more for a single vehicle, driver, or all devices.

Engine On/Off

See when your vehicle/s have turned on and off along with the locations and duration of the event.

Time in Zones

See how long your vehicles/drivers have spent inside the zones you have set up on your account.

Tax Report

The Tax Logbook Report automatically breaks down the percentage of business and private driving your vehicle has made, ready to be supplied to your accountant.

Device journeys are classified as Business or Private based on a list of factors. To set the order precedence for how journeys are classified, see Journey-auto-classification.

Raw GPS Data

See the raw GPS data points and information that your tracker has transmitted to our servers. 

Zone Stocktake

Perform a stocktake of your vehicles based on the zones they are currently located in.


The Refueling Report utilises the refueling data you have entered for your vehicles to calculate your average L/100km. This report can be used to identify if multiple vehicles are being refueled with your company fuel card or to simply monitor average fuel consumption trends.
In calculating the fuel consumption, it is assumed that the tank is filled completely on each refuel.

Adding a refueling record
To enter a refueling record, fill the information in below and click .

Editing a refuel record
Edit a refuel record by clicking the text boxes and entering the information. To save, click back out of the box, which will then flash green to let you know the update has been successful.

Deleting a record
To delete a record, click the bin icon  on the far right.


The Maintenance report checks your vehicle odometers and reports on vehicles that are approaching or have exceeded their periodic maintenance window. The report will show your vehicles that are within 20% of their next service interval or have passed their service interval by 10%.

To add a device-specific maintenance alert based on date, odometer or engine hour-meter, see setting-up-an-alert.


The Heatmap report allows you to see which areas your vehicles/devices most often frequent. The report inspects the recorded datapoints from your devices and sorts them into grid blocks across the map. The grid blocks are ordered from those with the most activity to those with the least.
You can change the size of the grid block in the report . Grids with fewer than 10 recorded datapoints within are filtered out to limit the result set from being too large.


The Inputs report shows the duration that external devices connected to your tracker have been active. The input channels are active when a voltage of greater than 9 Volts is present on the corresponding input wire from your tracker. This is useful for recording the usage of external devices like fuel pumps, lights, alarms and similar.


The Utilisation report inspects the duration of events generated by your vehicles and classifies them based on whether or not they meet your benchmark duration criteria.

This can be very useful for monitoring events such as a tow truck's tilt tray operating time (via an input) or engine on/off times for machinery.

If you need to ensure your drivers meet a certain benchmark simply set your report's options and you can see how frequently your drivers are hitting the mark!

The first graph shows:
  1. The benchmark time given to your devices.  300 seconds (5 minutes) in the above example.
  2. The average time used. The blue column.
  3. The percentage of uses that have passed the benchmark, red if less than 50% and green if above. For TMR White, approximately 30 % of its uses have passed the benchmark.

Fleet Utilisation chart

The Fleet Utilisation chart shows the total percentage of device usage events across the supplied vehicles/devices that have met the benchmark. In the above example, approximately 40% of the events have passed the benchmark.

Events Table

The events table shows the individual device usage events that have occurred, highlighting the row green if it has passed and red if not.

Driver History

The Driver History report allows you to see which drivers have been driving your vehicles and for how long. Logins that occurred during the chosen time period and existing logged-in drivers are shown. Drivers can be logged into a vehicle via the Drivers or Vehicles tab in the TMR mobile tracking app or when a Driver ID Keyfob is used in the vehicle.

Alert History

The Alert History report shows you all the alerts that have been raised for your account and the extended data associated with the alert such as who was driving the vehicle and the journey the vehicle was on when the alert occurred if applicable.

To begin using alerts, see Setting up an Alert.

Tracker Self Check

Check the status of your Track My Ride hardware devices. This self-check looks for common issues that can be caused by incorrect installation, low power, power supply interruptions, lack of GPS signal and other common faults that can reduce the accuracy and functionality of your Track My Ride system. If a fault is found a summary and potential resolution will be shown in the status notes, accessible by clicking the button the status button. 

Scheduled Reports

Reports can be scheduled to be sent to your email automatically. To schedule a report see Scheduled Reports.

To see the currently active scheduled reports, run Scheduled Reports.

To delete a scheduled report, click the icon on the right of the row.

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